+41 76 7788910

High altitude roasted specialty coffee

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As head of the NKG Quality Service department, Gloria is in charge for the training of quality managers within the NKG coffee companies. She has more than 18 years of experience in quality assurance for green coffee. Today she is a WCE certified sensory judge, certified SCA trainer as well as a certified Q Grader instructor.    


Matt found his passion for coffee in Australia, working with and learning from some of the best baristas in the country. He didn't work full time until moving to Switzerland in 2016, after making a career change from Aircraft Avionics Engineering.   He's worked as a barista, head barista, and trainer in several specialty coffee shops where his passion and knowledge can be shared with others. Most often found behind the counter at MAME and 169 West.  Matt's passion extends to all facets of the coffee industry, he loves brewing, espresso, latte art, roasting, education, work flow, cafe design, equipment maintenance and spreading love! His love for coffee and spreading the word of seed to cup us evident as soon as you meet him.  He is currently competing in the Swedish Barista Competition (Feb 2018).  


Marián ist ein 34-jähriger, Michelin-Stern trainierter Koch. Er kann auf eine Karriere in der Gastronomie von 14 Jahren zurückblicken. Während dieser Zeit arbeitete er mit Michelin-Stern Köchen wie beispielsweise Gordon Ramsay oder Jason Atherton zusammen. Im Laufe der letzten zwei Jahre hat Marián sich seiner Leidenschaft für Kaffeespezialitäten gewidmet und sich in diesem Bereich professionell aus- und weitergebildet. So hat er mit den kreativsten Köpfen der Kaffeeindustrie gearbeitet und verschiedene, von der Specialty Coffee Association of Europe anerkannte, Schulungen und Vorbereitungskurse in den Bereichen Barista, Brewista and Rösten absolviert. Sein Wissen und seine Leidenschaft für Kaffee bringt Marián nun nach Zermatt.

Zermatt Kitchen at Haus zur Brücke

Uferweg 1, Zermatt, 3920 CH

Mon - Sun: 8am - 6pm


Aroleid Restaurant

Furi 151, Zermatt, 3920-CH

Open Thu - Sun: 11am - 5pm

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